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Chart buy signal for ether

November 20, 2020


Ether Buy @ $505  Number of times recommended: 3  First recommended: $1100  Lowest recommendation price: $240

I don’t bother to analyse the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies because I don’t know how you can draw meaningful conclusions. They work for speculation because there is potentially unlimited demand but a limited supply. Charts also seem helpful with cryptocurrencies. I have been recommending bitcoin, which is presently in a bull phase and the ether chart also has rising moving averages, which triggered the earlier low level buy signals and now a breakout from a large pattern, which could support a significant rise. Like bitcoin, ether is pure speculation but a small punt is justified given the open-ended potential. No fundamentals means no price is too high. My first alert is still deep in loss but two subsequent alerts mean the position is in profit over all.


You can buy ether on a tight spread with IG, which is one of the better places for low cost, instant execution.


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